Thursday, February 24, 2011

What did YOU do today?

As a mother, I do not have the privelege of participating in my annual reviews, I do not receive salary raises, or bonuses, or certificates of achievement, or even a "good job" from the boss - or anyone else in the office, for that matter. When The Mr. recieves a salary raise, or a Christmas bonus, or a play-off bonus, or a compliment at work, he doesn't rush home, pat me on the back, and say, "Well done, woman. Here is your share of my raise, because everyone knows that behind every good man is an even better woman. Let's get a babysitter and go out to eat so you don't have to cook and clean tonight. In fact, why don't you take part of my bonus and buy those sexy Laboutin pumps you've been wanting to buy." Nope. Nada. Never even going to happen (although hopefully the Mr. got that little hint back there......)

For those reasons alone, I feel it is perfectly appropriate to pat myself on the back (which is actually my polite yet smug way of saying I FEEL LIKE BRAGGING, BECAUSE I CAN.) What did you make your children for their after-school snack?? 'Cause this is what I made for mine:

Beat that, suckaz!


Ruth J. said...

Yummy - I told my kids to search for something in the kitchen. Yours is definitely better!

My Three Sons said...

Yes, but in your defense - you HAVE been pregnant, and now you are the mother of four.....

My Boys

My Boys
I can't believe I got them standing together....and smiling!


We think he is soooo cute!