Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring is all around...

Along with being positive, (or as part of it, I suppose) I decided that I need to give more compliments. I'm bad about keeping my mouth shut even when I truly appreciate or admire someone or something.
Sunday night I was in Jack's room, listening to Maxwell sing himself to sleep. Sometimes he sings what seem to be completely random and made up songs, usually consisting of his day's events; sometimes they sound like Backyardigans or the Imagination Movers songs. I thought I was starting to recognize the song as "Once There Was A Snowman," but I couldn't be sure. Until I heard him distinctly sing, "Tall, Tall, Tall!" It made me appreciate nursery and Primary. It also made me miss being in there every Sunday playing the piano. It made me miss Laurie. She really is great! She makes a bad day look sunny. She has such a great sense of humor! I loved working with her in Young Women's, and you could tell how much the girls loved her, and respected her.

She is great at teaching the children those Primary songs. It isn't easy, but she makes it seem so. The kids absolutely love her - and I think that must be 75% of the battle for a teacher. Once the kids love you, you can accomplish just about anything! I know sometimes she wonders if she is doing a great job, or if the children are really benefitting from her attempts. Believe me, they are. I wouldn't want anyone else teaching my own children to sing!

I'm hoping that with her great sense of humor, she will truly appreciate me posting this picture, the epitome of her great efforts in Primary! So here is my shout out to Laurie:


Laundry Statistics

While in the hospital, I decided that I was going to make some changes. Well, one really. I am going to be more positive. So today, whilst I was stewing over a great many things (and giving Brent the silent treatment), Brent walked into the room with a laundry basket and started sorting through the laundry. Trying to be more "positive", I begrudgingly told Brent (in the most lackluster tone possible) that he was good at laundry. I know, I know, every man strives to receive just that compliment, right? He said thanks. It got me thinking though. Do you know that Brent has only ruined 2 (yes, that's right - 2) of my shirts in the seven and a half years we've been married? With all the shirts and other clothing that have been laundered (by him) that equates to less than 1% damage. You must admit, that is impressive. Some more of his statistics: 9 out of 10 times, he will sort the laundry appropriately. 10 out of 10 times, he won't dry clothing that isn't supposed to be dried in the dryer (after the two shirt incidence.) 9 out of 10 times, he won't dry clothing that I prefer he not dry, in the dryer. He accepts my no-wire-hanger policy. He wanted a front-loading washer just as much as I did, regardless of the cost.

For all this, I am very proud of my husband (and some thanks should probably go to his mother, as he did know how to do laundry before I met him.) And grateful. A big THANK YOU and I love you, to Brent!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wow! Three boys....

So I have been pretty worried about taking care of three small children. I do only have two hands, after all. (Knock on wood) I am happy to report that so far it has been manageable. We, of course, haven't attempted to leave the house (all five of us), Brent has been home this entire time, and we haven't had to make a dinner for ourselves yet. I am anxious to see what Wednesday will bring, which will be the true test. I will be here, all by myself, with my three sons. I am trying to be optimistic about this. Hopefully by then Jack will have come to terms with when exactly he should be sleeping and when he shouldn't be!

I am glad that I got some good pictures of Maxwell that first day in the hospital. He isn't looking quite like himself these past few days. In all my wisdom (which translates to my "overanalyzing the situation") I decided that it would be good for my two oldest children to be involved in bringing the baby home from the hospital. Brent showed up with the boys at about 11:30, and we were just waiting to be discharged (signing a few papers, really.) They had been there about 2 whole minutes, when Maxwell managed to trip and fall, faceplanting right into the floor. He got up and was silently crying. You know, the kind where they are crying, but they are taking in such a huge breath of air that no sound has actually come out yet? I knew it was bad - and so I laid down the baby, picked up Maxwell (Brent had gone across the hall, btw) and tried to comfort him, as well as inspect his face for where he might be hurt. Fortunately, there was no bleeding, but his nose was swelling up fast. I figured he must have landed right on it and broken it. Jack was crying, Maxwell was crying (and Blake was obliviously watching Wall-e.) Brent came in to find us like this and I told him what had happened. He took Maxwell, I picked up Jack and started crying. We hadn't even left the hospital and already I was dealt a situation with two crying babies! So I called the pediatrician, and she said we should take him to Children's Mercy, which I understand, except that I was already at a hospital! Couldn't I just take him to the ER here? We called in my nurse next to ask her advice - and I think she was more worried that we might try to sue the hospital or something! Needless to say, Maxwell was seen at the ER there, and the diagnosis was just that he bruised it really badly (I still would've felt better if they had actually taken an x-ray.) At that point I realized my folly and sent Brent home with the boys. We had Anna babysit after school and Brent came to pick up Jack and I. It was not what I had planned....at all. Things went pretty well after that - except that Max has a hard time breathing through his nose. And every day his face looks worse and worse. He is almost unrecognizable behind the black eye, the bruised midface Le Fort and all the swelling. Poor guy. I don't even think I can bring myself to take a picture of it! It is so bad I seriously considered having him stay home from school and church because his appearance truly is shocking!

That was pretty much the most traumatic thing that has happened so far in our new adventure!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Update on my three sons.

While they have my son in the nursery for his pediatric checkup, I thought I would spend a few minutes blogging (even though I should be sleeping.)

First: I was truly relieved when they announced that Jackson was indeed a boy. My worst nightmare was that he would've been a girl.

Second: I love Brent. He is such a wonderful husband and father. He would never ever pass out over anything (except lack of oxygen, I suppose) especially anything like watching his wife get an epidural. I know that I can rely on him - I could never imagine Brent passing out. Or wimping out on anything (except maybe cleaning the bathroom.) He's like my personal security blanket or something (I am sure that Brent has always aspired to be a "blanket.") I don't know what I would do without him.

Third: It's crazy how this mothering thing kicks in. I didn't feel this way 24 hours ago! I miss my family and just want to be at home with them already. I even miss listening to the childrens music we play in the car!

Fourth: I was going to impress everyone with my immediate updates and changed background and header on this blog, but somehow it didn't happen. I think I got a little too ambitious. I guess I'll get around to it later. Maybe. This is my third child, after all. I expect big changes and a newfound inability to get anything done.

Fifth: I am completely in love with this new little guy in my life. I find it funny how I long for him to stay this tiny (well, not that tiny) little infant, who is so sweet and tender, and yet by the time he starts crawling around and falling down stairs, I will long for the day when he is five and can communicate effectively, and be fairly independent.

Now I'd like to talk about the other two loves in my life. Blake and Maxwell. My dad brought them up to the hospital yesterday afternoon, and they got to finally meet their new brother. Maxwell ran into the room, jumped up on the bed and wanted to hold him immediately! Blake sauntered in most casually, took a look and sat down. Maxwell sat next to me and held the baby, giving him kisses, touching his face and pointing out his rather obvious facial features. It was very cute.

He spent the rest of the time being very possessive. Whenever anyone else was holding Baby Jack, Maxwell insisted on holding him as well. Here he is honing in on our good friend Spencer:

It was very sweet of Maxwell. I have called Maxwell my baby for the past three years, and I am hoping he won't mind that he is no longer the baby. Blake hung out (they got to eat cookies and ice cream) and talked about his legos, and his Uncle Morgan (and his legos) and he got pretty bored. It took him awhile to warm up to Jackson, but he eventually, in his own quiet way, would stroke his cheek and adjust his little cap and pat his little chest. It was very cute. And sweet.

Well, all this talk of my family is making me miss them terribly, so I think I will finish with that!

Monday, March 23, 2009

He's here!

Jackson Charles Barnes was born at 1:01pm this afternoon. He weighs 8 lbs. 3 oz. and was 19.5 inches long. He is a cutie, and he reminds us of Maxwell! I will post pictures later!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So I just picked up a book from the Library - Spent: End Exhaustion and Feel Great Again by Frank Lipman. It supposedly has the "cure" for my exhaustion. Funny thing is, I think I might be too spent to actually start reading it!

So I opened up the book, and the first chapter asks "Are you spent?"

This author must be a genius. I mean, seriously, I am NOT spent, I just have so much free time that I decided to read a 300+ page book so that I could be hip, up-to-date and know what others are talking about at dinner parties.

Then I have to wonder how much babble is in the book - I hate it when authors like to "hear themselves talk" so much that they ramble on and on about things I don't care or need to know about. Or they are so smart that they have to "show off" their supreme wit and authority on a subject, and neither one actually helps to make the point or bring about any "self-help." The only self-help going on here is them helping themselves to my money.

For those of you who don't watch the Colbert Report - he interviewed an author who wrote a book on giving money to poor people. Steven so kindly pointed out that the book cost $22, which people should be sending to charities, not to some author who will get rich off the stinking book. My thoughts exactly. (BTW - the author got this kinda uncomfortable look and half-laughed.)

So, anyway. Now that I have spent five minutes criticizing a book I haven't read yet, I think I will go make dinner.

And I will read the book (if I ever find the strength and energy to do so) and let you know what I really think.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Everybody say "CHEESE!"

So I finally got them off! And I don't know quite what to think - Except, YAY ME!
Make all the boy moose go MWAHHHH!

P.S. Thank you, Dr. Klein and staff!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The nursery is.....done.

Brent and I finished setting up the nursery. And I didn't have a panic attack, nor did I cry. Maybe we will make it through a third child. This picture isn't very good, but it's the best I can do.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hairy situations....

Brent was getting ready to leave for his haircut and, just out of sheer curiosity, I asked him if Wondra ever washes his hair. He said no, but she does ask. I informed him that the fee she charges covers a "Shampoo, Cut, simple Blow-dry style". She only charges me $5 for a bang trim, I pointed out. Blake heard all this and asked where Daddy was going. When I told him he was going to get his hair cut, Blake wanted to go so he pointed to his own head and earnestly asked, "Is my hair sticking up?" I laughed and said no (it was actually sticking up - it always is - it's when it no longer sticks up that it means its gotten too long, lol.) We let him go with Brent anyway. I just thought it was the cutest thing.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Thoughts (doesn't that sound so profound, lol?)

So my mind is a mess with all the changes about to happen:

Blake has a new carseat and will be relocating to the back seat. It is difficult for me, as the driver, to hear anyone in the backseat, so I am not looking forward to this. Also, how will I ever be able to hand him things all the way back there?

Which side should I put Maxwell's carseat on? It's nice to be able to pop the infant carseat into the base when it's behind the driver's seat, but then (how lazy am I) I will have to walk all the way around the other side of the car to buckle Maxwell in. Hmmmm.

How on earth is the new baby every going to be able to sleep? The boys are so loud.

I was reminded the other day about my relief of having all boys when I had to pull a piece of hair that had gotten stuck in between a girls' teeth (she had been chewing on her hair.) I can't figure out how to make that a proper sentence?

I am glad we are having this baby now, before they try to make any changes to Brent's healthcare plan.

I hate pregnancy. It sucks. It really does. And I stick by my opinion that anyone who claims to love it is clinically insane or lying.

I am soooooooo excited to get my braces off.....4 days and counting! YAY!

Why is it that I am so ready to get this baby out, but as soon as I have him, I will wonder what the heck I was so willing to get him out for. Put him back in, please!

I should really get off the computer. I have a bajillion things to do. How do you spell bajillion, anyway?

My Boys

My Boys
I can't believe I got them standing together....and smiling!


We think he is soooo cute!