Saturday, February 21, 2009

Comic Relief....finally!

This afternoon Morgan and Dad came over to finish up the grouting on our backsplash. I had just read on Facebook that Morgan's girlfriend has been grounded. I asked Morgan about it, and was totally shocked at the reason why: She took the car without asking! She just turned 16 and after last weekend, I am convinced she is quite the rebel. So we started joking with Morgan about it, and I had quite a few wise cracks, if I do say so myself. I would love to relate the jokes - but they are totally inside jokes that only a few of us would laugh at- and even some of those people might not think they are so funny! It was good to hear Dad laugh so much, though! Here is a joke I can share with you, though (courtesy of Morgan):

What do you get when you blow up a bomb in a French Kitchen?

Wait for it..............

Linoleum Blownaparte!

And one more: I was putting something in the freezer and happened upon a tub of my new favorite ice cream (Ben & Jerry's Americone Dream by Stephen Colbert.) I think Stephen Colbert is hilarious and I love his political jokes! Anyway, I told Dad and Morgan that Brent had bought me the American Dream. They looked at me kind of funny, and so I explained, "Who knew? Apparently you can buy the American Dream at Wal-mart for $2.75!" I thought it was pretty funny. We pulled it out and had a couple of spoonfuls - Morgan agrees - it is the "American Dream", lol!

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My Boys

My Boys
I can't believe I got them standing together....and smiling!


We think he is soooo cute!