Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So I just picked up a book from the Library - Spent: End Exhaustion and Feel Great Again by Frank Lipman. It supposedly has the "cure" for my exhaustion. Funny thing is, I think I might be too spent to actually start reading it!

So I opened up the book, and the first chapter asks "Are you spent?"

This author must be a genius. I mean, seriously, I am NOT spent, I just have so much free time that I decided to read a 300+ page book so that I could be hip, up-to-date and know what others are talking about at dinner parties.

Then I have to wonder how much babble is in the book - I hate it when authors like to "hear themselves talk" so much that they ramble on and on about things I don't care or need to know about. Or they are so smart that they have to "show off" their supreme wit and authority on a subject, and neither one actually helps to make the point or bring about any "self-help." The only self-help going on here is them helping themselves to my money.

For those of you who don't watch the Colbert Report - he interviewed an author who wrote a book on giving money to poor people. Steven so kindly pointed out that the book cost $22, which people should be sending to charities, not to some author who will get rich off the stinking book. My thoughts exactly. (BTW - the author got this kinda uncomfortable look and half-laughed.)

So, anyway. Now that I have spent five minutes criticizing a book I haven't read yet, I think I will go make dinner.

And I will read the book (if I ever find the strength and energy to do so) and let you know what I really think.

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My Boys

My Boys
I can't believe I got them standing together....and smiling!


We think he is soooo cute!