Friday, March 13, 2009

Thoughts (doesn't that sound so profound, lol?)

So my mind is a mess with all the changes about to happen:

Blake has a new carseat and will be relocating to the back seat. It is difficult for me, as the driver, to hear anyone in the backseat, so I am not looking forward to this. Also, how will I ever be able to hand him things all the way back there?

Which side should I put Maxwell's carseat on? It's nice to be able to pop the infant carseat into the base when it's behind the driver's seat, but then (how lazy am I) I will have to walk all the way around the other side of the car to buckle Maxwell in. Hmmmm.

How on earth is the new baby every going to be able to sleep? The boys are so loud.

I was reminded the other day about my relief of having all boys when I had to pull a piece of hair that had gotten stuck in between a girls' teeth (she had been chewing on her hair.) I can't figure out how to make that a proper sentence?

I am glad we are having this baby now, before they try to make any changes to Brent's healthcare plan.

I hate pregnancy. It sucks. It really does. And I stick by my opinion that anyone who claims to love it is clinically insane or lying.

I am soooooooo excited to get my braces off.....4 days and counting! YAY!

Why is it that I am so ready to get this baby out, but as soon as I have him, I will wonder what the heck I was so willing to get him out for. Put him back in, please!

I should really get off the computer. I have a bajillion things to do. How do you spell bajillion, anyway?


Anonymous said...

Hooray, a new blog (that stuck) and new quote.


andrewsrock said...

about wondering how your baby will sleep with the boys being so loud. I wondered the same thing and for the first little while of ellie's life I was alwsys getting on the boys for being so loud and it was driving me nuts, So I got a fan and stuck it in her room to make some white noice ( I think that's what they call it) and it worked, it really blocked out a lot of the noise going on outside her bedroom. Just a thought.

My Boys

My Boys
I can't believe I got them standing together....and smiling!


We think he is soooo cute!